Belle and Hank

Update:  I'll leave the pic and below comments, but these two both passed away in the fall of 2019.  We are looking at other options for breeding, but our current pair are not that option.

Above are Belle and Hank, our two current Border Collies.  We find Border Collies to be some of our best help.  We wouldn't want to be without them.  We generally have one litter of puppies a year to sell.  In spring 2012, Belle raised 13 pups without assistance.  In fall 2013, she raised 11.  She raised 8 in 2014, and in 2015 raised 9. Check under the For Sale tab to see if pups are available.

Contact Details

Pharo Polypay

Back Acre Farm

12266 Cherry Ave

Rapid City, MI 49676


Call or Text:  231-564-1540

