Rams for Sale

6/20/24 Polypay rams - we still have one yearling Polypay ram available, along with numerous April-born ram lambs.  EBVs and prices are attached below.

We have a handful of White Dorper ram lambs available at $500.

Let us know what you're looking for and we can try to match you up with the right ram for the job.  We can narrow the search and email you details on EBV's, etc.

Prices for Poloypay rams are based on several factors including USMI, MWWT, WWT, PWEC, NLB, NLW and adjustments for Codon 171, and for age.  Rams can be registered for an additional $25.  As the White Dorpers don't yet have meaningful EBVs, the price for the one available is $500.

6:18:24 Avail. Rams.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [74.4 KB]
WD Rams.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [29.9 KB]

Contact Details

Pharo Polypay

Back Acre Farm

12266 Cherry Ave

Rapid City, MI 49676


Call or Text:  231-564-1540
Email: brettpharo@gmail.com

